Книга Moneyball: бейсбол, основанный на данных
Книга о том, как в 2002 году менеджер бейсбольной команды Билли Бин (Billy Bean) изменил всю спортивную индустрию: он полностью убрал субъективную оценку игроков по их внешним качествам и выстроил стратегию на их статистике и метриках.
It began, really, with an innocent question: how did one of the poorest teams in baseball, the Oakland Athletics, win so many games?
But when you looked at what actually had happened over the past few years, you had to wonder. The bottom of each division was littered with teams—the Rangers, the Orioles, the Dodgers, the Mets—that had spent huge sums and failed spectacularly. On the other end of the spectrum was Oakland. For the past several years, working with either the lowest or next to lowest payroll in the game, the Oakland A’s had won more regular season games than any other team, except the Atlanta Braves. They’d been to the play-offs three years in a row and in the previous two taken the richest team in baseball, the Yankees, to within a few outs of elimination. How on earth had they done that? The Yankees, after all, were the most egregious example of financial determinism.
После выхода книги эти методы применили сначала другие бейсбольные команды, а затем и команды в других видах спорта.
Как работал бейсбол
Каждый год бейсбольные команды набирают молодых игроков среди школьников и студентов. У команд есть специальные люди — скауты — они ездят по всем местечковым играм и оценивают молодых игроков.
За долгую историю в бейсболе сложился определённый подход. Скауты смотрят, как ребята отбивают мяч, насколько быстро бегают между базами, как хорошо ловят мяч. По итогам наблюдений скауты внутри команды обсуждают и составляют списки желаемых игроков.
В молодости Билли Бин сам стал жертвой подобной субъективной оценки: в юности он хорошо играл в бейсбол и все прочили ему звёздное будущее. Он повёлся на уговоры тренеров и подписал свой первый бейсбольный контракт в ущерб колледжу. Однако, бейсбольная карьера у него не сложилась.
...Just like that, a life changed. One day Billy Beane could have been anything; the next he was just another minor league baseball player, and not even a rich one. On the advice of a family friend, Billy’s parents invested on their son’s behalf his entire $ 125,000 bonus in a real estate partnership that promptly went bust.
...YEARS LATER he would say that when he’d decided to become a professional baseball player, it was the only time he’d done something just for the money, and that he’d never do something just for the money ever again. He would never again let the market dictate the direction of his life.
10 лет он пытался показать ту самую игру, которую от него ждали; но так и не получилось: его меняли и продавали в клубы попроще, где уже от него никто ничего не ждал. Так он в итоге оказался в Oakland Athletics, где окончательно понял, что нормально играть он не может и в 1990 году перевёлся в офисную работу.
В 1997 году Билли занял пост генерального менеджера команды. Sandy Alderson — предшественник Билли на посту менеджера — познакомил его со подходом, основанным на статистике, и показал нужные книги.
When Alderson entered the game he wanted to get his mind around it, and he did. He concluded that everything from on-field strategies to player evaluation was better conducted by scientific investigation—hypotheses tested by analysis of historical statistical baseball data—than by reference to the collective wisdom of old baseball men.
By analyzing baseball statistics you could see through a lot of baseball nonsense. For instance, when baseball managers talked about scoring runs, they tended to focus on team batting average, but if you ran the analysis you could see that the number of runs a team scored bore little relation to that team’s batting average. It correlated much more exactly with a team’s on-base and slugging percentages.
A lot of the offensive tactics that made baseball managers famous—the bunt, the steal, the hit and run—could be proven to have been, in most situations, either pointless or self-defeating. «I figured out that managers do all this shit because it is safe,» said Alderson. «They don’t get criticized for it.» He wasn’t particularly facile with numbers, but he could understand them well enough to use their conclusions. «I couldn’t do a regressions analysis,» he said, «but I knew what one was. And the results of them made sense to me.»
...Alderson pointed to a row of well-thumbed paperbacks by a writer named Bill James, who had opened Alderson’s eyes to a new way of thinking about baseball. Alderson had collected pretty much everything Bill James had written, including four books self-published by James between 1977 and 1980 that still existed only as cheap mimeographs.
By the time he became the general manager of the Oakland A’s, in 1997, Billy Beane had read all twelve of Bill James’s Abstracts. James had something to say specifically to Billy: you were on the receiving end of a false idea of what makes a successful baseball player. James also had something general to say to Billy, or any other general manager of a baseball team who had the guts, or the need, to listen: if you challenge the conventional wisdom, you will find ways to do things much better than they are currently done.
The whole point of James was: don’t be an ape! Think for yourself along rational lines. Hypothesize, test against the evidence, never accept that a question has been answered as well as it ever will be. Don’t believe a thing is true just because some famous baseball player says that it is true.
Через два года — в 1999 — Билли пригласил выпускника Гарварда Пола ДеПодеста, чтобы тот помог ему с формулами и подсчётами. Билли и Пол декомпозировали игру: начали с общих целей и пришли к конкретным действиям каждого члена команды, которые приводят к набору очков и, соответственно, к победе.
Paul DePodesta had been hired by Billy Beane before the 1999 season, but well before that he had studied the question of why teams win. Not long after he’d graduated from Harvard, in the mid-nineties, he’d plugged the statistics of every baseball team from the twentieth century into an equation and tested which of them correlated most closely with winning percentage. He’d found only two, both offensive statistics, inextricably linked to baseball success: on-base percentage and slugging percentage. Everything else was far less important.
Before his thought experiment Paul had felt uneasy with this crude assumption; now he saw that the assumption was absurd. An extra point of on-base percentage was clearly more valuable than an extra point of slugging percentage—but by how much?
... A player’s ability to get on base—especially when he got on base in unspectacular ways—tended to be dramatically underpriced in relation to other abilities.
The ability to get on base—to avoid making outs—was underpriced compared to the ability to hit with power. The one attribute most critical to the success of a baseball team was an attribute they could afford to buy.
Runs were the money of baseball, the common denominator of everything that occurred on a field. How much each tiny event on a baseball field was worth was a more complicated issue. AVM dealt with it by collecting ten years of data from major league baseball games, of every ball that was put into play. Every event that followed a ball being put into play was compared by the system to what had typically happened during the previous ten years.
За три года они вместе разработали и отладили систему, которая позволяла им подбирать игроков в команду, ни разу их не видев вживую. И к 2002 году они запустили её в боевом режиме — в начале сезона проигнорировали рекомендации скаутов и полностью переписали списки для драфта.
“The draft has never been anything but a fucking crapshoot,” Billy had taken to saying, “We take fifty guys and we celebrate if two of them make it. In what other business is two for fifty a success? If you did that in the stock market, you’d go broke.”
You have $ 40 million to spend on twenty-five baseball players. Your opponent has already spent $ 126 million on its own twenty-five players, and holds perhaps another $ 100 million in reserve. What do you do with your forty million to avoid humiliating defeat? “What you don’t do,” said Billy, “is what the Yankees do. If we do what the Yankees do, we lose every time, because they’re doing it with three times more money than we are.”
С помощью этой системы они научились находить перспективных игроков среди молодых игроков, игроков из низших лиг и даже среди в запасниках других команд. При чём эти игроки были ниже радаров других команд, поэтому цены на них был очень низкими — только поэтому команда Бина могла их купить.
Billy had his own idea about where to find future major league baseball players: inside Paul’s computer. He’d flirted with the idea of firing all the scouts and just drafting the kids straight from Paul’s laptop. The Internet now served up just about every statistic you could want about every college player in the country, and Paul knew them all. Paul’s laptop didn’t have a tiny red bell on top that whirled and whistled whenever a college player’s on-base percentage climbed above .450, but it might as well have. From Paul’s point of view, that was the great thing about college players: they had meaningful stats.
The statistics enabled you to find your way past all sorts of sight-based scouting prejudices: the scouting dislike of short right-handed pitchers, for instance, or the scouting distrust of skinny little guys who get on base. Or the scouting distaste for fat catchers.
Эффект второго порядка этой системы. Когда ты знаешь действительно работающие метрики игроков, а все остальные смотрят на какие-то другие метрики (в аналитике такие метрики ещё называют «метриками тщеславия»), то можно сделать из своих обычных игроков суперзвёзд: искусственно «надувая» их метрики тщеславия. Это повышает их рыночную стоимость и можно их удачно продать. И без какого-либо ущерба для успеха команды: место этиъ «звёзд» освобождается для более продуктивных игроков — с более высокими реальными метриками.
They had lost to free agency—and thus, to richer teams—three of their proven stars: Jason Isringhausen, Johnny Damon, and Giambi.
Jason Isringhausen’s departure wasn’t a loss to the Oakland A’s but a happy consequence of a money machine known as “Selling the Closer.” In return for losing Isringhausen to the St. Louis Cardinals, the A’s had received two new assets: the Cardinals’ first-round draft pick, along with a first-round compensation pick. The former they’d used to draft Benjamin Fritz, a pitcher they judged to have a brighter and cheaper future than Isringhausen; the latter, to acquire Jeremy Brown.
Игра вдолгую
У такой системы горизонт планирования не отдельная игра, а весь сезон. Когда метрика двух игроков отличается на несколько процентов, то в реальном мире у зрителя есть большой шанс увидеть как хучший по статистике игрок отбивает лучше за те несколько игр за сезон, что этот зритель посмотрит.
One absolutely cannot tell, by watching, the difference between a .300 hitter and a .275 hitter. The difference is one hit every two weeks. It might be that a reporter, seeing every game that the team plays, could sense that difference over the course of the year if no records were kept, but I doubt it. Certainly the average fan, seeing perhaps a tenth of the team’s games, could never gauge two performances that accurately—in fact if you see both 15 games a year, there is a 40% chance that the .275 hitter will have more hits than the .300 hitter in the games that you see. The difference between a good hitter and an average hitter is simply not visible—it is a matter of record.
Наверное поэтому Билли не смотрел игры своей команды — это была мука.
During the first couple of innings he’d run a few miles and lift a few weights and generally remind whichever pitchers and bench players who had sneaked out of the dugout to get in their workouts that they played for the only team in the history of baseball on which the general manager was also the best athlete. After that, what he did depended on the situation. What he didn’t do was watch the games. When he watched his team live, he became so upset he’d become a danger to baseball science. He’d become, as he put it, «subjective.» His anger might lead him to do something unconsidered.
Billy couldn’t bear to watch; on the other hand, he couldn’t bear not to watch. He carried around in his pocket a little white box, resembling a pager, that received a satellite feed of live baseball scores. The white box was his chief source of real time information about the team he ran. He’d get into his SUV and drive in circles around the Coliseum, peeking every few minutes at the tiny white box. Or he’d set himself up in a place inside the clubhouse, white box in hand. He was like some tragic figure in Greek mythology whose offenses against the gods had caused them to design for him this exquisite torture: you must desperately need to see what you cannot bear to see.
К тому же в начале сезона дела шли неважно. Билли испытывал огромное давление со всех торон: от тренера команды, от её владельца, от болельщиков и прессы, и даже самих игроков. Все они принимали во внимание только сиюминутные результаты.
Основа для книги
Майкл Льюис понял, что надо писать книгу, когда увидел команду Oakland Athletics в раздевалке. Без одежды было ясно видно, насколько игроки Athletics отличаются от общего представления об идеальных бейсболистах. И тем не менее, они показывали результат за гораздо меньшие деньги, чем топовые команды.
Налицо разрыв между реальным миром и его моделью в головах людей; насколько принятые на рынке суждения оказываются неверными с точки зрения статистики. Этот разрыв хорошо описывают исследования Даниеля Канемана и Амоса Тверски, собранные в книге «Thinking Fast and Slow» (в русском перевода «Думай медленно, решай быстро»).
There was, for starters, the tendency of everyone who actually played the game to generalize wildly from his own experience. People always thought their own experience was typical when it wasn’t. There was also a tendency to be overly influenced by a guy’s most recent performance: what he did last was not necessarily what he would do next. Thirdly—but not lastly—there was the bias toward what people saw with their own eyes, or thought they had seen. The human mind played tricks on itself when it relied exclusively on what it saw, and every trick it played was a financial opportunity for someone who saw through the illusion to the reality. There was a lot you couldn’t see when you watched a baseball game.
Льюис написал одну из следующих своих книг о дружбе и работе Канемана и Тверски The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds.